Pavement Management Planning Tool for Local Agencies
- U of A
- cttp
- Arkansas LTAP
- Pavement Management Planning Tool for Local Agencies
The ability to identify pavement distresses and appropriate treatments is key to a pavement management system.
Use this guide to determine the right treatment for the right pavement at the right time. More on Pavement Management.
This decision tool provides a starting point for pavement maintenance and preservation treatment selection. These recommendations are presented in the context of local agency networks with lower volume roadways. Final treatment selection should also consider traffic level, construction history, and additional factors.
Pavement Management
These recommendations are presented in the context of local agency networks with lower volume roadways. Final treatment selection should also consider traffic level, construction history, and additional factors.
Pavement Management
These recommendations are presented in the context of local agency networks with lower volume roadways. Final treatment selection should also consider traffic level, construction history, and additional factors.
STEP 1: Select a Distress
Click on a distress to see a description, causes, and examples.
STEP 2: Select a Severity Level
Click to choose mild, moderate, or severe. This level refers to the severity, not
the extent, of the distress. For example, high severity cracking refers to the crack
width, not the number of cracks. How to Measure Distress?
STEP 3: Select a Distress Density
Click to choose low or moderate/high density. This selection refers to the extent
of the distress. For example, high density cracking indicates that there are many
cracks (regardless of crack width).
STEP 4: Review Treatment Options
Click ‘See My Treatment Options’ to reveal a list of potential treatment options for
the selected distress information. Click to reveal more information for each treatment
List of Asphalt Pavement Distresses and Appropriate Treatments:
Cause: Exposure to air, water, time

STEP 2: Severity Level
Surface binder is worn away, surface color has faded
Aging/Oxidation - Mild Distress
A light spray of dilute emulsion to seal small cracks, prevent raveling, and retard aging/oxidation.
A fog seal with additives for purposes such as reducing tracking or creating a blacker appearance for pavement marking visibility.
These recommendations are presented in the context of local agency networks with lower volume roadways. Final treatment selection should also consider traffic level, construction history, and additional factors.
Surface color is distinctly faded, minor loss of surface material
Aging/Oxidation - Moderate Distress
A light spray of dilute emulsion to seal small cracks, prevent raveling, and retard aging/oxidation.
A fog seal with rejuvenator to prevent aging of the surface.
A fog seal with additives for purposes such as reducing tracking or creating a blacker appearance for pavement marking visibility.
These recommendations are presented in the context of local agency networks with lower volume roadways. Final treatment selection should also consider traffic level, construction history, and additional factors.
Surface appears dry and faded, somewhat roughened, small surface cracks are prevalent
Aging/Oxidation - Severe Distress
A light spray of dilute emulsion to seal small cracks, prevent raveling, and retard aging/oxidation.
A fog seal with rejuvenator to prevent aging of the surface.
A fog seal with additives for purposes such as reducing tracking or creating a blacker appearance for pavement marking visibility.
These recommendations are presented in the context of local agency networks with lower volume roadways. Final treatment selection should also consider traffic level, construction history, and additional factors.
Cause: Excessive traffic loads (i.e., more traffic than expected, or longer service life than expected)
STEP 2: Severity Level
Few or no interconnecting cracks, cracks not spalled or sealed, and pumping not evident
Interconnecting cracks that may be slightly spalled, cracks may be sealed, pumping is not evident
Closely interconnected cracks forming a pattern such that individual pieces may move under traffic, cracks may be sealed, and pumping may be evident. Severe fatigue cracking is often called “alligator cracking”.
STEP 3: Distress Density
Low Density
Fatigue Cracking - Mild Distress, Low Density
Filling non-working cracks of less than 3/8" width or less
Filling working cracks, 3/8" or more
A light spray of dilute emulsion to seal small cracks, prevent raveling, and retard aging/oxidation.
A fog seal with rejuvenator to prevent aging of the surface.
A fog seal with additives for purposes such as reducing tracking or creating a blacker appearance for pavement marking visibility.
An emulsion spray application and then a layer of aggregate, embedded in the binder.
A mixture of emulsion, dense graded aggregate, and mineral filler spread onto the pavement surface.
A spray of emulsion on the surface, then a layer of fine aggregate. Similar to chip seal, but with different aggregate.
These recommendations are presented in the context of local agency networks with lower volume roadways. Final treatment selection should also consider traffic level, construction history, and additional factors.
High Density
Fatigue Cracking - Mild Distress, High Density
A light spray of dilute emulsion to seal small cracks, prevent raveling, and retard aging/oxidation.
A fog seal with rejuvenator to prevent aging of the surface.
A fog seal with additives for purposes such as reducing tracking or creating a blacker appearance for pavement marking visibility.
An emulsion spray application and then a layer of aggregate, embedded in the binder.
Like a chip seal, but it is a mass crack treatment that uses a broom to push the binder into existing cracks for better sealing.
A mixture of emulsion, dense graded aggregate, and mineral filler spread onto the pavement surface.
A spray of emulsion on the surface, then a layer of fine aggregate. Similar to chip seal, but with different aggregate.
A HMA overlay of 1" or less with a NMAS of 1/4" (4.75mm)
These recommendations are presented in the context of local agency networks with lower volume roadways. Final treatment selection should also consider traffic level, construction history, and additional factors.
STEP 3: Distress Density
Low Density
Fatigue Cracking - Moderate Distress, Low Density
Filling non-working cracks of less than 3/8" width or less
Filling working cracks, 3/8" or more
An emulsion spray application and then a layer of aggregate, embedded in the binder.
A mixture of emulsion, dense graded aggregate, and mineral filler spread onto the pavement surface.
A spray of emulsion on the surface, then a layer of fine aggregate. Similar to chip seal, but with different aggregate.
Chip seal that is applied multiple times, with each subsequent layer using smaller aggregate.
A combination treatment where a slurry seal is placed on top of a chip seal or scrub seal.
A combination treatment where a slurry seal is placed on top of a chip seal or scrub seal.
A HMA overlay of 1" or less with a NMAS of 1/4" (4.75mm)
A HMA overlay of 1" or less with a NMAS of 1/4" (4.75mm)
A HMA overlay of 1" or less with a NMAS of 1/4" (4.75mm)
1 to 2 inches of hot mix asphalt overlay.
These recommendations are presented in the context of local agency networks with lower volume roadways. Final treatment selection should also consider traffic level, construction history, and additional factors.
High Density
Fatigue Cracking - Moderate Distress, High Density
An emulsion spray application and then a layer of aggregate, embedded in the binder.
Like a chip seal, but it is a mass crack treatment that uses a broom to push the binder into existing cracks for better sealing.
A mixture of emulsion, dense graded aggregate, and mineral filler spread onto the pavement surface.
A spray of emulsion on the surface, then a layer of fine aggregate. Similar to chip seal, but with different aggregate.
Chip seal that is applied multiple times, with each subsequent layer using smaller aggregate.
A combination treatment where a slurry seal is placed on top of a chip seal or scrub seal.
A combination treatment where a slurry seal is placed on top of a chip seal or scrub seal.
A HMA overlay of 1" or less with a NMAS of 1/4" (4.75mm)
A HMA overlay of 1" or less with a NMAS of 1/4" (4.75mm)
A HMA overlay of 1" or less with a NMAS of 1/4" (4.75mm)
1 to 2 inches of hot mix asphalt overlay.
These recommendations are presented in the context of local agency networks with lower volume roadways. Final treatment selection should also consider traffic level, construction history, and additional factors.
STEP 3: Distress Density
Low Density
Fatigue Cracking - High Distress, Low Density
Digging out the area of distress (square or rectangle), applying tack, fill and compact with cold mix or hot mix.
Filling potholes with hot mix, cold mix, or injection patch material. Minimal effort, temporary result.
The process of milling and removing existing pavement to restore cross-section or remove rutting.
1 to 2 inches of hot mix asphalt overlay.
Existing bituminous pavement is milled and/or pulverized, then mixed with emulsion and aggregate (optional) and compacted.
Existing bituminous pavement is heated, milled, mixed with new asphalt binder or mix, and replaced on the surface with a paver.
Existing pavement (and perhaps base) is pulverized and mixed with a stabilizer (cement or emulsion), then compacted to serve as a base for future pavement layers.
Existing pavement is removed and replaced with all new materials.
These recommendations are presented in the context of local agency networks with lower volume roadways. Final treatment selection should also consider traffic level, construction history, and additional factors.
High Density
Fatigue Cracking - High Distress, High Density
The process of milling and removing existing pavement to restore cross-section or remove rutting.
1 to 2 inches of hot mix asphalt overlay.
Existing bituminous pavement is milled and/or pulverized, then mixed with emulsion and aggregate (optional) and compacted.
Existing bituminous pavement is heated, milled, mixed with new asphalt binder or mix, and replaced on the surface with a paver.
Existing pavement (and perhaps base) is pulverized and mixed with a stabilizer (cement or emulsion), then compacted to serve as a base for future pavement layers.
Existing pavement is removed and replaced with all new materials.
These recommendations are presented in the context of local agency networks with lower volume roadways. Final treatment selection should also consider traffic level, construction history, and additional factors.
Cause: Excessive traffic loads or extended service life. Lack of lateral support can enhance this distress.
STEP 2: Severity Level
Average crack width of less than ¼”, crack may be sealed with sealant in good condition (such that width cannot be determined).
Average crack width between ¼” and ¾”, or any crack near a low severity random crack.
Average crack width > ¾”, or any crack near a moderate or high severity random crack.
Longitudinal Cracking in Wheel Path - Mild Distress Density
Low Density
Longitudinal Cracking in Wheel Path - Mild Distress, Low Density
Filling non-working cracks of less than 3/8" width or less
Filling working cracks, 3/8" or more
A light spray of dilute emulsion to seal small cracks, prevent raveling, and retard aging/oxidation.
A fog seal with rejuvenator to prevent aging of the surface.
A fog seal with additives for purposes such as reducing tracking or creating a blacker appearance for pavement marking visibility.
An emulsion spray application and then a layer of aggregate, embedded in the binder.
A mixture of emulsion, dense graded aggregate, and mineral filler spread onto the pavement surface.
A spray of emulsion on the surface, then a layer of fine aggregate. Similar to chip seal, but with different aggregate.
An application similar to a slurry seal, but uses polymer modified emulsion. Can be placed in multiple layers, or used for leveling.
These recommendations are presented in the context of local agency networks with lower volume roadways. Final treatment selection should also consider traffic level, construction history, and additional factors.
High Density
Longitudinal Cracking in Wheel Path - Mild Distress, High Density
Filling non-working cracks of less than 3/8" width or less
Filling working cracks, 3/8" or more
A light spray of dilute emulsion to seal small cracks, prevent raveling, and retard aging/oxidation.
A fog seal with rejuvenator to prevent aging of the surface.
A fog seal with additives for purposes such as reducing tracking or creating a blacker appearance for pavement marking visibility.
An emulsion spray application and then a layer of aggregate, embedded in the binder.
Like a chip seal, but it is a mass crack treatment that uses a broom to push the binder into existing cracks for better sealing.
A mixture of emulsion, dense graded aggregate, and mineral filler spread onto the pavement surface.
A spray of emulsion on the surface, then a layer of fine aggregate. Similar to chip seal, but with different aggregate.
An application similar to a slurry seal, but uses polymer modified emulsion. Can be placed in multiple layers, or used for leveling.
These recommendations are presented in the context of local agency networks with lower volume roadways. Final treatment selection should also consider traffic level, construction history, and additional factors.
Longitudinal Cracking in Wheel Path - Moderate Distress Density
Low Density
Longitudinal Cracking in Wheel Path - Moderate Distress, Low Density
Filling working cracks, 3/8" or more.
An emulsion spray application and then a layer of aggregate, embedded in the binder.
A mixture of emulsion, dense graded aggregate, and mineral filler spread onto the pavement surface.
A spray of emulsion on the surface, then a layer of fine aggregate. Similar to chip seal, but with different aggregate.
Chip seal that is applied multiple times, with each subsequent layer using smaller aggregate.
A combination treatment where a slurry seal is placed on top of a chip seal or scrub seal.
A combination treatment where a slurry seal is placed on top of a chip seal or scrub seal.
A HMA overlay of 1" or less with a NMAS of 1/4" (4.75mm)
A HMA overlay of 1" or less with a NMAS of 1/4" (4.75mm)
A HMA overlay of 1" or less with a NMAS of 1/4" (4.75mm)
1 to 2 inches of hot mix asphalt overlay.
These recommendations are presented in the context of local agency networks with lower volume roadways. Final treatment selection should also consider traffic level, construction history, and additional factors.
High Density
Longitudinal Cracking in Wheel Path - Moderate Distress, High Density
An emulsion spray application and then a layer of aggregate, embedded in the binder.
Like a chip seal, but it is a mass crack treatment that uses a broom to push the binder into existing cracks for better sealing.
A mixture of emulsion, dense graded aggregate, and mineral filler spread onto the pavement surface.
A spray of emulsion on the surface, then a layer of fine aggregate. Similar to chip seal, but with different aggregate.
Chip seal that is applied multiple times, with each subsequent layer using smaller aggregate.
A combination treatment where a slurry seal is placed on top of a chip seal or scrub seal.
A combination treatment where a slurry seal is placed on top of a chip seal or scrub seal.
A HMA overlay of 1" or less with a NMAS of 1/4" (4.75mm)
A HMA overlay of 1" or less with a NMAS of 1/4" (4.75mm)
A HMA overlay of 1" or less with a NMAS of 1/4" (4.75mm)
1 to 2 inches of hot mix asphalt overlay.
These recommendations are presented in the context of local agency networks with lower volume roadways. Final treatment selection should also consider traffic level, construction history, and additional factors.
Longitudinal Cracking in Wheel Path - High Distress Density
Low Density
Longitudinal Cracking in Wheel Path - High Distress, Low Density
Filling working cracks, 3/8" or more.
Digging out the area of distress (square or rectangle), applying tack, fill and compact with cold mix or hot mix.
The process of milling and removing existing pavement to restore cross-section or remove rutting.
1 to 2 inches of hot mix asphalt overlay.
Existing bituminous pavement is milled and/or pulverized, then mixed with emulsion and aggregate (optional) and compacted.
Existing bituminous pavement is heated, milled, mixed with new asphalt binder or mix, and replaced on the surface with a paver.
Existing pavement (and perhaps base) is pulverized and mixed with a stabilizer (cement or emulsion), then compacted to serve as a base for future pavement layers.
These recommendations are presented in the context of local agency networks with lower volume roadways. Final treatment selection should also consider traffic level, construction history, and additional factors.
High Density
Longitudinal Cracking in Wheel Path - High Distress, High Density
Digging out the area of distress (square or rectangle), applying tack, fill and compact with cold mix or hot mix.
The process of milling and removing existing pavement to restore cross-section or remove rutting.
1 to 2 inches of hot mix asphalt overlay.
Existing bituminous pavement is milled and/or pulverized, then mixed with emulsion and aggregate (optional) and compacted.
Existing bituminous pavement is heated, milled, mixed with new asphalt binder or mix, and replaced on the surface with a paver.
Existing pavement (and perhaps base) is pulverized and mixed with a stabilizer (cement or emulsion), then compacted to serve as a base for future pavement layers.
Existing pavement is removed and replaced with all new materials.
These recommendations are presented in the context of local agency networks with lower volume roadways. Final treatment selection should also consider traffic level, construction history, and additional factors.
Cause: Poor construction / density at longitudinal joint, paver segregation at mid-lane

STEP 2: Severity Level
Average crack width of less than ¼”, crack may be sealed with sealant in good condition (such that width cannot be determined).
Average crack width between ¼” and ¾”, or any crack near a low severity random crack.
Average crack width > ¾”, or any crack near a moderate or high severity random crack.
Longitudinal Cracking not in Wheel path - Mild Distress Density
Low Density
Longitudinal Cracking not in Wheel path - Mild Distress, Low Density
Filling non-working cracks of less than 3/8" width or less
Filling working cracks, 3/8" or more
These recommendations are presented in the context of local agency networks with lower volume roadways. Final treatment selection should also consider traffic level, construction history, and additional factors.
High Density
Longitudinal Cracking not in Wheel path - Mild Distress, High Density
Filling non-working cracks of less than 3/8" width or less
Filling working cracks, 3/8" or more
A light spray of dilute emulsion to seal small cracks, prevent raveling, and retard aging/oxidation.
A fog seal with rejuvenator to prevent aging of the surface.
A fog seal with additives for purposes such as reducing tracking or creating a blacker appearance for pavement marking visibility.
An emulsion spray application and then a layer of aggregate, embedded in the binder.
Like a chip seal, but it is a mass crack treatment that uses a broom to push the binder into existing cracks for better sealing.
These recommendations are presented in the context of local agency networks with lower volume roadways. Final treatment selection should also consider traffic level, construction history, and additional factors.
Longitudinal Cracking not in Wheel path - Moderate Distress Density
Low Density
Longitudinal Cracking not in Wheel path - Moderate Distress, Low Density
Filling working cracks, 3/8" or more
An emulsion spray application and then a layer of aggregate, embedded in the binder.
A mixture of emulsion, dense graded aggregate, and mineral filler spread onto the pavement surface.
A spray of emulsion on the surface, then a layer of fine aggregate. Similar to chip seal, but with different aggregate.
These recommendations are presented in the context of local agency networks with lower volume roadways. Final treatment selection should also consider traffic level, construction history, and additional factors.
High Density
Longitudinal Cracking not in Wheel path - Moderate Distress, High Density
Filling working cracks, 3/8" or more
An emulsion spray application and then a layer of aggregate, embedded in the binder.
Like a chip seal, but it is a mass crack treatment that uses a broom to push the binder into existing cracks for better sealing.
A mixture of emulsion, dense graded aggregate, and mineral filler spread onto the pavement surface.
A spray of emulsion on the surface, then a layer of fine aggregate. Similar to chip seal, but with different aggregate.
Chip seal that is applied multiple times, with each subsequent layer using smaller aggregate.
A combination treatment where a slurry seal is placed on top of a chip seal or scrub seal.
A combination treatment where a slurry seal is placed on top of a chip seal or scrub seal.
A HMA overlay of 1" or less with a NMAS of 1/4" (4.75mm)
A HMA overlay of 1" or less with a NMAS of 1/4" (4.75mm)
A HMA overlay of 1" or less with a NMAS of 1/4" (4.75mm)
The process of milling and removing existing pavement to restore cross-section or remove rutting.
1 to 2 inches of hot mix asphalt overlay.
These recommendations are presented in the context of local agency networks with lower volume roadways. Final treatment selection should also consider traffic level, construction history, and additional factors.
Longitudinal Cracking not in Wheel path - High Distress Density
Low Density
Longitudinal Cracking not in Wheel path - High Distress, Low Density
Filling working cracks, 3/8" or more
Digging out the area of distress (square or rectangle), applying tack, fill and compact with cold mix or hot mix.
Chip seal that is applied multiple times, with each subsequent layer using smaller aggregate.
A combination treatment where a slurry seal is placed on top of a chip seal or scrub seal.
A combination treatment where a slurry seal is placed on top of a chip seal or scrub seal.
A HMA overlay of 1" or less with a NMAS of 1/4" (4.75mm)
A HMA overlay of 1" or less with a NMAS of 1/4" (4.75mm)
A HMA overlay of 1" or less with a NMAS of 1/4" (4.75mm)
These recommendations are presented in the context of local agency networks with lower volume roadways. Final treatment selection should also consider traffic level, construction history, and additional factors.
High Density
Longitudinal Cracking not in Wheel path - High Distress, High Density
Filling working cracks, 3/8" or more
Digging out the area of distress (square or rectangle), applying tack, fill and compact with cold mix or hot mix.
Filling potholes with hot mix, cold mix, or injection patch material. Minimal effort, temporary result.
Chip seal that is applied multiple times, with each subsequent layer using smaller aggregate.
A double-layer chip seal: Class 1 on bottom, Class 4 above that, and a fog seal as the final coating.
A combination treatment where a slurry seal is placed on top of a chip seal or scrub seal.
A gap-graded hot mix placed on a thick modified binder membrane using special equipment. 1/2" to 1" in thickness.
1 to 2 inches of hot mix asphalt overlay.
Existing bituminous pavement is milled and/or pulverized, then mixed with emulsion and aggregate (optional) and compacted.
Existing bituminous pavement is heated, milled, mixed with new asphalt binder or mix, and replaced on the surface with a paver.
Existing pavement (and perhaps base) is pulverized and mixed with a stabilizer (cement or emulsion), then compacted to serve as a base for future pavement layers.
Existing pavement is removed and replaced with all new materials.
These recommendations are presented in the context of local agency networks with lower volume roadways. Final treatment selection should also consider traffic level, construction history, and additional factors.
Cause: Lack of lateral support
STEP 2: Severity Level

Cracks with no breakup of loss of material.
Cracks with some breakup, but loss of material for no more than 10% of affected edge length.

Cracks with considerable breakup, with material loss affecting more than 10% of affected edge length.
Edge Cracking - Mild Distress Density
Low Density
Edge Cracking - Mild Distress, Low Density
Filling working cracks, 3/8" or more
Filling potholes with hot mix, cold mix, or injection patch material. Minimal effort, temporary result.
These recommendations are presented in the context of local agency networks with lower volume roadways. Final treatment selection should also consider traffic level, construction history, and additional factors.
High Density
Edge Cracking - Mild Distress, High Density
Filling working cracks, 3/8" or more
Filling potholes with hot mix, cold mix, or injection patch material. Minimal effort, temporary result.
Digging out the area of distress (square or rectangle), applying tack, fill and compact with cold mix or hot mix.
These recommendations are presented in the context of local agency networks with lower volume roadways. Final treatment selection should also consider traffic level, construction history, and additional factors.
Edge Cracking - Moderate Distress Density
Low Density
Edge Cracking - Moderate Distress, Low Density
Filling working cracks, 3/8" or more
Filling potholes with hot mix, cold mix, or injection patch material. Minimal effort, temporary result.
Digging out the area of distress (square or rectangle), applying tack, fill and compact with cold mix or hot mix.
These recommendations are presented in the context of local agency networks with lower volume roadways. Final treatment selection should also consider traffic level, construction history, and additional factors.
High Density
Edge Cracking - Moderate Distress, High Density
Filling working cracks, 3/8" or more
Filling potholes with hot mix, cold mix, or injection patch material. Minimal effort, temporary result.
Digging out the area of distress (square or rectangle), applying tack, fill and compact with cold mix or hot mix.
These recommendations are presented in the context of local agency networks with lower volume roadways. Final treatment selection should also consider traffic level, construction history, and additional factors.
Edge Cracking - High Distress Density
Low Density
Edge Cracking - High Distress, Low Density
Filling potholes with hot mix, cold mix, or injection patch material. Minimal effort, temporary result.
Digging out the area of distress (square or rectangle), applying tack, fill and compact with cold mix or hot mix.
These recommendations are presented in the context of local agency networks with lower volume roadways. Final treatment selection should also consider traffic level, construction history, and additional factors.
High Density
Edge Cracking - High Distress, High Density
Filling potholes with hot mix, cold mix, or injection patch material. Minimal effort, temporary result.
Digging out the area of distress (square or rectangle), applying tack, fill and compact with cold mix or hot mix.
These recommendations are presented in the context of local agency networks with lower volume roadways. Final treatment selection should also consider traffic level, construction history, and additional factors.
Cause: Aged, dry, or brittle pavements unable to withstand weather changes.
STEP 2: Severity Level

Average crack width of less than ¼”, crack may be sealed with sealant in good condition (such that width cannot be determined).
Average crack width between ¼” and ¾”, or any crack near a low severity random crack.

Average crack width > ¾”, or any crack near a moderate or high severity random crack.
Block Cracking - Mild Distress Density
Low Density
Block Cracking - Mild Distress, Low Density
Filling non-working cracks of less than 3/8" width or less
Filling working cracks, 3/8" or more
A light spray of dilute emulsion to seal small cracks, prevent raveling, and retard aging/oxidation.
A fog seal with rejuvenator to prevent aging of the surface.
A fog seal with additives for purposes such as reducing tracking or creating a blacker appearance for pavement marking visibility.
These recommendations are presented in the context of local agency networks with lower volume roadways. Final treatment selection should also consider traffic level, construction history, and additional factors.
High Density
Block Cracking - Mild Distress, High Density
Filling non-working cracks of less than 3/8" width or less
Filling working cracks, 3/8" or more
A light spray of dilute emulsion to seal small cracks, prevent raveling, and retard aging/oxidation.
A fog seal with rejuvenator to prevent aging of the surface.
A fog seal with additives for purposes such as reducing tracking or creating a blacker appearance for pavement marking visibility.
These recommendations are presented in the context of local agency networks with lower volume roadways. Final treatment selection should also consider traffic level, construction history, and additional factors.
Block Cracking - Moderate Distress Density
Low Density
Block Cracking - Moderate Distress, Low Density
Filling working cracks, 3/8" or more
An emulsion spray application and then a layer of aggregate, embedded in the binder.
Like a chip seal, but it is a mass crack treatment that uses a broom to push the binder into existing cracks for better sealing.
A mixture of emulsion, dense graded aggregate, and mineral filler spread onto the pavement surface.
A spray of emulsion on the surface, then a layer of fine aggregate. Similar to chip seal, but with different aggregate.
A combination treatment where a slurry seal is placed on top of a chip seal or scrub seal.
A HMA overlay of 1" or less with a NMAS of 1/4" (4.75mm)
A HMA overlay of 1" or less with a NMAS of 1/4" (4.75mm)
A HMA overlay of 1" or less with a NMAS of 1/4" (4.75mm)
These recommendations are presented in the context of local agency networks with lower volume roadways. Final treatment selection should also consider traffic level, construction history, and additional factors.
High Density
Block Cracking - Moderate Distress, High Density
Filling working cracks, 3/8" or more
An emulsion spray application and then a layer of aggregate, embedded in the binder.
Like a chip seal, but it is a mass crack treatment that uses a broom to push the binder into existing cracks for better sealing.
A mixture of emulsion, dense graded aggregate, and mineral filler spread onto the pavement surface.
A spray of emulsion on the surface, then a layer of fine aggregate. Similar to chip seal, but with different aggregate.
Chip seal that is applied multiple times, with each subsequent layer using smaller aggregate.
A combination treatment where a slurry seal is placed on top of a chip seal or scrub seal.
A combination treatment where a slurry seal is placed on top of a chip seal or scrub seal.
A HMA overlay of 1" or less with a NMAS of 1/4" (4.75mm)
A HMA overlay of 1" or less with a NMAS of 1/4" (4.75mm)
A HMA overlay of 1" or less with a NMAS of 1/4" (4.75mm)
1 to 2 inches of hot mix asphalt overlay.
These recommendations are presented in the context of local agency networks with lower volume roadways. Final treatment selection should also consider traffic level, construction history, and additional factors.
Block Cracking - High Distress Density
Low Density
Block Cracking - High Distress, Low Density
Filling working cracks, 3/8" or more
An emulsion spray application and then a layer of aggregate, embedded in the binder.
Like a chip seal, but it is a mass crack treatment that uses a broom to push the binder into existing cracks for better sealing.
A mixture of emulsion, dense graded aggregate, and mineral filler spread onto the pavement surface.
A spray of emulsion on the surface, then a layer of fine aggregate. Similar to chip seal, but with different aggregate.
Chip seal that is applied multiple times, with each subsequent layer using smaller aggregate.
A combination treatment where a slurry seal is placed on top of a chip seal or scrub seal.
A combination treatment where a slurry seal is placed on top of a chip seal or scrub seal.
A HMA overlay of 1" or less with a NMAS of 1/4" (4.75mm)
A HMA overlay of 1" or less with a NMAS of 1/4" (4.75mm)
A HMA overlay of 1" or less with a NMAS of 1/4" (4.75mm)
1 to 2 inches of hot mix asphalt overlay.
These recommendations are presented in the context of local agency networks with lower volume roadways. Final treatment selection should also consider traffic level, construction history, and additional factors.
High Density
Block Cracking - High Distress, High Density
An emulsion spray application and then a layer of aggregate, embedded in the binder.
Like a chip seal, but it is a mass crack treatment that uses a broom to push the binder into existing cracks for better sealing.
Chip seal that is applied multiple times, with each subsequent layer using smaller aggregate.
A combination treatment where a slurry seal is placed on top of a chip seal or scrub seal.
A combination treatment where a slurry seal is placed on top of a chip seal or scrub seal.
A HMA overlay of 1" or less with a NMAS of 1/4" (4.75mm)
A HMA overlay of 1" or less with a NMAS of 1/4" (4.75mm)
A HMA overlay of 1" or less with a NMAS of 1/4" (4.75mm)
1 to 2 inches of hot mix asphalt overlay.
Existing bituminous pavement is milled and/or pulverized, then mixed with emulsion and aggregate (optional) and compacted.
Existing bituminous pavement is heated, milled, mixed with new asphalt binder or mix, and replaced on the surface with a paver.
These recommendations are presented in the context of local agency networks with lower volume roadways. Final treatment selection should also consider traffic level, construction history, and additional factors.
Cause: Aged, dry, or brittle pavements unable to withstand contraction during cold weather events. Transverse cracking may also be caused by end of load segregation during construction.

STEP 2: Severity Level
Average crack width of less than ¼”, crack may be sealed with sealant in good condition (such that width cannot be determined).
Average crack width between ¼” and ¾”, or any crack near a low severity random crack.
Average crack width > ¾”, or any crack near a moderate or high severity random crack.
Tranverse Cracking - Mild Distress Density
Low Density
Tranverse Cracking - Mild Distress, Low Density
Filling non-working cracks of < 3/8" width or less
Filling working cracks, 3/8" or more
A light spray of dilute emulsion to seal small cracks, prevent raveling, and retard aging/oxidation.
A fog seal with rejuvenator to prevent aging of the surface.
A fog seal with additives for purposes such as reducing tracking or creating a blacker appearance for pavement marking visibility.
These recommendations are presented in the context of local agency networks with lower volume roadways. Final treatment selection should also consider traffic level, construction history, and additional factors.
High Density
Tranverse Cracking - Mild Distress, High Density
Filling working cracks, 3/8" or more
Filling non-working cracks of < 3/8" width or less
A light spray of dilute emulsion to seal small cracks, prevent raveling, and retard aging/oxidation.
A fog seal with rejuvenator to prevent aging of the surface.
A fog seal with additives for purposes such as reducing tracking or creating a blacker appearance for pavement marking visibility.
These recommendations are presented in the context of local agency networks with lower volume roadways. Final treatment selection should also consider traffic level, construction history, and additional factors.
Tranverse Cracking - Moderate Distress Density
Low Density
Tranverse Cracking - Moderate Distress, Low Density
Filling non-working cracks of < 3/8" width or less
Filling working cracks, 3/8" or more
An emulsion spray application and then a layer of aggregate, embedded in the binder.
Like a chip seal, but it is a mass crack treatment that uses a broom to push the binder into existing cracks for better sealing.
A mixture of emulsion, dense graded aggregate, and mineral filler spread onto the pavement surface.
A spray of emulsion on the surface, then a layer of fine aggregate. Similar to chip seal, but with different aggregate.
Chip seal that is applied multiple times, with each subsequent layer using smaller aggregate.
A double-layer chip seal: Class 1 on bottom, Class 4 above that, and a fog seal as the final coating.
A combination treatment where a slurry seal is placed on top of a chip seal or scrub seal.
A gap-graded hot mix placed on a thick modified binder membrane using special equipment. 1/2" to 1" in thickness.
An application similar to a slurry seal, but uses polymer modified emulsion. Can be placed in multiple layers, or used for leveling.
These recommendations are presented in the context of local agency networks with lower volume roadways. Final treatment selection should also consider traffic level, construction history, and additional factors.
High Density
Tranverse Cracking - Moderate Distress, High Density
Filling working cracks, 3/8" or more
An emulsion spray application and then a layer of aggregate, embedded in the binder.
Like a chip seal, but it is a mass crack treatment that uses a broom to push the binder into existing cracks for better sealing.
A mixture of emulsion, dense graded aggregate, and mineral filler spread onto the pavement surface.
A spray of emulsion on the surface, then a layer of fine aggregate. Similar to chip seal, but with different aggregate.
Chip seal that is applied multiple times, with each subsequent layer using smaller aggregate.
A double-layer chip seal: Class 1 on bottom, Class 4 above that, and a fog seal as the final coating.
A combination treatment where a slurry seal is placed on top of a chip seal or scrub seal.
A gap-graded hot mix placed on a thick modified binder membrane using special equipment. 1/2" to 1" in thickness.
An application similar to a slurry seal, but uses polymer modified emulsion. Can be placed in multiple layers, or used for leveling.
These recommendations are presented in the context of local agency networks with lower volume roadways. Final treatment selection should also consider traffic level, construction history, and additional factors.
Tranverse Cracking - High Distress Density
Low Density
Tranverse Cracking - High Distress, Low Density
Filling working cracks, 3/8" or more
An emulsion spray application and then a layer of aggregate, embedded in the binder.
Like a chip seal, but it is a mass crack treatment that uses a broom to push the binder into existing cracks for better sealing.
Chip seal that is applied multiple times, with each subsequent layer using smaller aggregate.
A double-layer chip seal: Class 1 on bottom, Class 4 above that, and a fog seal as the final coating.
A combination treatment where a slurry seal is placed on top of a chip seal or scrub seal.
A gap-graded hot mix placed on a thick modified binder membrane using special equipment. 1/2" to 1" in thickness.
1 to 2 inches of hot mix asphalt overlay.
These recommendations are presented in the context of local agency networks with lower volume roadways. Final treatment selection should also consider traffic level, construction history, and additional factors.
High Density
Tranverse Cracking - High Distress, High Density
Filling working cracks, 3/8" or more
An emulsion spray application and then a layer of aggregate, embedded in the binder.
Like a chip seal, but it is a mass crack treatment that uses a broom to push the binder into existing cracks for better sealing.
Chip seal that is applied multiple times, with each subsequent layer using smaller aggregate.
A double-layer chip seal: Class 1 on bottom, Class 4 above that, and a fog seal as the final coating.
A combination treatment where a slurry seal is placed on top of a chip seal or scrub seal.
A gap-graded hot mix placed on a thick modified binder membrane using special equipment. 1/2" to 1" in thickness.
1 to 2 inches of hot mix asphalt overlay.
Existing bituminous pavement is milled and/or pulverized, then mixed with emulsion and aggregate (optional) and compacted.
Existing bituminous pavement is heated, milled, mixed with new asphalt binder or mix, and replaced on the surface with a paver.
These recommendations are presented in the context of local agency networks with lower volume roadways. Final treatment selection should also consider traffic level, construction history, and additional factors.
Cause: Underlying cracks or concrete joints “reflect” through the asphalt surface due to the discontinuity of support.

STEP 2: Severity Level

Average crack width of less than ¼”, crack may be sealed with sealant in good condition (such that width cannot be determined).

Average crack width between ¼” and ¾”, or any crack near a low severity random crack.

Average crack width > ¾”, or any crack near a moderate or high severity random crack.
Reflective Cracking - Mild Distress Density
Low Density
Reflective Cracking - Mild Distress, Low Density
Filling non-working cracks of < 3/8" width or less
Filling working cracks, 3/8" or more
These recommendations are presented in the context of local agency networks with lower volume roadways. Final treatment selection should also consider traffic level, construction history, and additional factors.
High Density
Reflective Cracking - Mild Distress, High Density
Filling non-working cracks of < 3/8" width or less
Filling working cracks, 3/8" or more
These recommendations are presented in the context of local agency networks with lower volume roadways. Final treatment selection should also consider traffic level, construction history, and additional factors.
Reflective Cracking - Moderate Distress Density
Low Density
Reflective Cracking - Moderate Distress, Low Density
Filling working cracks, 3/8" or more
These recommendations are presented in the context of local agency networks with lower volume roadways. Final treatment selection should also consider traffic level, construction history, and additional factors.
High Density
Reflective Cracking - Moderate Distress, High Density
Filling working cracks, 3/8" or more
These recommendations are presented in the context of local agency networks with lower volume roadways. Final treatment selection should also consider traffic level, construction history, and additional factors.
Reflective Cracking - High Distress Density
Low Density
Reflective Cracking - High Distress, Low Density
Filling working cracks, 3/8" or more
1 to 2 inches of hot mix asphalt overlay.
These recommendations are presented in the context of local agency networks with lower volume roadways. Final treatment selection should also consider traffic level, construction history, and additional factors.
High Density
Reflective Cracking - High Distress, High Density
Filling working cracks, 3/8" or more
1 to 2 inches of hot mix asphalt overlay.
Existing bituminous pavement is milled and/or pulverized, then mixed with emulsion and aggregate (optional) and compacted.
Existing bituminous pavement is heated, milled, mixed with new asphalt binder or mix, and replaced on the surface with a paver.
Existing pavement (and perhaps base) is pulverized and mixed with a stabilizer (cement or emulsion), then compacted to serve as a base for future pavement layers.
Existing pavement is removed and replaced with all new materials.
These recommendations are presented in the context of local agency networks with lower volume roadways. Final treatment selection should also consider traffic level, construction history, and additional factors.
Cause: 1) Subgrade failure (inadequate soil compaction, high clay content, poor soil quality, water softening, excessive traffic loadings) 2) Mix failure (excessive binder content, poor gradation, natural sand content, inadequate field compaction, excessive traffic loadings)

STEP 2: Severity Level

less than ¼” deep

¼” to ½” deep

greater than ½” deep
Rutting - Mild Distress Density
Mixture Rutting

If rutting is limited to the surface layer, some mix will be below and some will be above the original profile. “Bulges” in the surface or deviations in the painted edge line are typical indicators
Mixture Rutting - Mild Distress
Milling the surface to correct deficiencies, minimize the effects of rutting, or as preparation for an overlay
Adding 1" or less (HMA or microsurfacing mix) to surface to fill in ruts and correct surface profile.
A gap-graded hot mix placed on a thick modified binder membrane using special equipment. 1/2" to 1" in thickness.
An application similar to a slurry seal, but uses polymer modified emulsion. Can be placed in multiple layers, or used for leveling.
The process of milling and removing existing pavement to restore cross-section or remove rutting.
These recommendations are presented in the context of local agency networks with lower volume roadways. Final treatment selection should also consider traffic level, construction history, and additional factors.
Subgrade Rutting
If all rutting appears to be below the original profile, consolidation has occurred in the foundational pavement layers, resulting in a depression at the surface
Subgrade Rutting - Mild Distress
Milling the surface to correct deficiencies, minimize the effects of rutting, or as preparation for an overlay
Adding 1" or less (HMA or microsurfacing mix) to surface to fill in ruts and correct surface profile.
The process of milling and removing existing pavement to restore cross-section or remove rutting.
These recommendations are presented in the context of local agency networks with lower volume roadways. Final treatment selection should also consider traffic level, construction history, and additional factors.
Rutting - Moderate Distress Density
Mixture Rutting

If rutting is limited to the surface layer, some mix will be below and some will be above the original profile. “Bulges” in the surface or deviations in the painted edge line are typical indicators
Mixture Rutting - Moderate Distress
Milling the surface to correct deficiencies, minimize the effects of rutting, or as preparation for an overlay
Adding 1" or less (HMA or microsurfacing mix) to surface to fill in ruts and correct surface profile.
A gap-graded hot mix placed on a thick modified binder membrane using special equipment. 1/2" to 1" in thickness.
An application similar to a slurry seal, but uses polymer modified emulsion. Can be placed in multiple layers, or used for leveling.
The process of milling and removing existing pavement to restore cross-section or remove rutting.
1 to 2 inches of hot mix asphalt overlay.
Existing bituminous pavement is milled and/or pulverized, then mixed with emulsion and aggregate (optional) and compacted.
Existing bituminous pavement is heated, milled, mixed with new asphalt binder or mix, and replaced on the surface with a paver.
These recommendations are presented in the context of local agency networks with lower volume roadways. Final treatment selection should also consider traffic level, construction history, and additional factors.
Subgrade Rutting
If all rutting appears to be below the original profile, consolidation has occurred in the foundational pavement layers, resulting in a depression at the surface
Subgrade Rutting - Moderate Distress
Adding 1" or less (HMA or microsurfacing mix) to surface to fill in ruts and correct surface profile.
An application similar to a slurry seal, but uses polymer modified emulsion. Can be placed in multiple layers, or used for leveling.
The process of milling and removing existing pavement to restore cross-section or remove rutting.
Digging out the area of distress (square or rectangle), applying tack, fill and compact with cold mix or hot mix.
1 to 2 inches of hot mix asphalt overlay.
These recommendations are presented in the context of local agency networks with lower volume roadways. Final treatment selection should also consider traffic level, construction history, and additional factors.
Rutting - High Distress Density
Mixture Rutting

If rutting is limited to the surface layer, some mix will be below and some will be above the original profile. “Bulges” in the surface or deviations in the painted edge line are typical indicators
Mixture Rutting - High Distress
Milling the surface to correct deficiencies, minimize the effects of rutting, or as preparation for an overlay
Adding 1" or less (HMA or microsurfacing mix) to surface to fill in ruts and correct surface profile.
An application similar to a slurry seal, but uses polymer modified emulsion. Can be placed in multiple layers, or used for leveling.
The process of milling and removing existing pavement to restore cross-section or remove rutting.
1 to 2 inches of hot mix asphalt overlay.
Existing bituminous pavement is milled and/or pulverized, then mixed with emulsion and aggregate (optional) and compacted.
Existing bituminous pavement is heated, milled, mixed with new asphalt binder or mix, and replaced on the surface with a paver.
These recommendations are presented in the context of local agency networks with lower volume roadways. Final treatment selection should also consider traffic level, construction history, and additional factors.
Subgrade Rutting
If all rutting appears to be below the original profile, consolidation has occurred in the foundational pavement layers, resulting in a depression at the surface
Subgrade Rutting - High Distress
Adding 1" or less (HMA or microsurfacing mix) to surface to fill in ruts and correct surface profile.
The process of milling and removing existing pavement to restore cross-section or remove rutting.
Digging out the area of distress (square or rectangle), applying tack, fill and compact with cold mix or hot mix.
Existing pavement (and perhaps base) is pulverized and mixed with a stabilizer (cement or emulsion), then compacted to serve as a base for future pavement layers.
Existing pavement is removed and replaced with all new materials.
1 to 2 inches of hot mix asphalt overlay.
Existing bituminous pavement is milled and/or pulverized, then mixed with emulsion and aggregate (optional) and compacted.
Existing bituminous pavement is heated, milled, mixed with new asphalt binder or mix, and replaced on the surface with a paver.
These recommendations are presented in the context of local agency networks with lower volume roadways. Final treatment selection should also consider traffic level, construction history, and additional factors.
Cause: Localized failure of the base or subgrade, drainage problems, utility/water leaks, often appearing as advanced alligator cracking in which a portion of the broken pavement is pumped out by the action of traffic and/or water.
STEP 2: Severity Level
less than 1” depth
1 to 2” depth
greater than 2” depth
Potholes - Mild Distress
Filling potholes with hot mix, cold mix, or injection patch material. Minimal effort, temporary result.
Digging out the area of distress (square or rectangle), applying tack, fill and compact with cold mix or hot mix.
These recommendations are presented in the context of local agency networks with lower volume roadways. Final treatment selection should also consider traffic level, construction history, and additional factors.
Potholes - Mild Distress
Filling potholes with hot mix, cold mix, or injection patch material. Minimal effort, temporary result.
Digging out the area of distress (square or rectangle), applying tack, fill and compact with cold mix or hot mix.
These recommendations are presented in the context of local agency networks with lower volume roadways. Final treatment selection should also consider traffic level, construction history, and additional factors.
Potholes - Moderate Distress
Filling potholes with hot mix, cold mix, or injection patch material. Minimal effort, temporary result.
Digging out the area of distress (square or rectangle), applying tack, fill and compact with cold mix or hot mix.
These recommendations are presented in the context of local agency networks with lower volume roadways. Final treatment selection should also consider traffic level, construction history, and additional factors.
Potholes - Moderate Distress
Filling potholes with hot mix, cold mix, or injection patch material. Minimal effort, temporary result.
Digging out the area of distress (square or rectangle), applying tack, fill and compact with cold mix or hot mix.
These recommendations are presented in the context of local agency networks with lower volume roadways. Final treatment selection should also consider traffic level, construction history, and additional factors.
Potholes - Severe Distress
Filling potholes with hot mix, cold mix, or injection patch material. Minimal effort, temporary result.
Digging out the area of distress (square or rectangle), applying tack, fill and compact with cold mix or hot mix.
1 to 2 inches of hot mix asphalt overlay.
Existing bituminous pavement is milled and/or pulverized, then mixed with emulsion and aggregate (optional) and compacted.
Existing bituminous pavement is heated, milled, mixed with new asphalt binder or mix, and replaced on the surface with a paver.
Existing pavement (and perhaps base) is pulverized and mixed with a stabilizer (cement or emulsion), then compacted to serve as a base for future pavement layers.
Existing pavement is removed and replaced with all new materials.
These recommendations are presented in the context of local agency networks with lower volume roadways. Final treatment selection should also consider traffic level, construction history, and additional factors.
Potholes - Severe Distress
Filling potholes with hot mix, cold mix, or injection patch material. Minimal effort, temporary result.
Digging out the area of distress (square or rectangle), applying tack, fill and compact with cold mix or hot mix.
1 to 2 inches of hot mix asphalt overlay.
Existing bituminous pavement is milled and/or pulverized, then mixed with emulsion and aggregate (optional) and compacted.
Existing bituminous pavement is heated, milled, mixed with new asphalt binder or mix, and replaced on the surface with a paver.
Existing pavement (and perhaps base) is pulverized and mixed with a stabilizer (cement or emulsion), then compacted to serve as a base for future pavement layers.
Existing pavement is removed and replaced with all new materials.
These recommendations are presented in the context of local agency networks with lower volume roadways. Final treatment selection should also consider traffic level, construction history, and additional factors.
Cause: Aging of the patch or poor patch construction practices.
STEP 2: Severity Level
Low severity distress of any type, including rutting less than 1/4", pumping not evident.
Moderate distress of any type, including rutting of 1/4" to 1/2", pumping not evident.

High severity distress of any type, including rutting > 1/2", pumping may be evident.
Patch Deterioration - Mild Distress
Filling working cracks, 3/8" or more
Filling potholes with hot mix, cold mix, or injection patch material. Minimal effort, temporary result.
Digging out the area of distress (square or rectangle), applying tack, fill and compact with cold mix or hot mix.
These recommendations are presented in the context of local agency networks with lower volume roadways. Final treatment selection should also consider traffic level, construction history, and additional factors.
Patch Deterioration - Mild Distress
Filling working cracks, 3/8" or more
Filling potholes with hot mix, cold mix, or injection patch material. Minimal effort, temporary result.
Digging out the area of distress (square or rectangle), applying tack, fill and compact with cold mix or hot mix.
These recommendations are presented in the context of local agency networks with lower volume roadways. Final treatment selection should also consider traffic level, construction history, and additional factors.
Patch Deterioration - Moderate Distress
Filling potholes with hot mix, cold mix, or injection patch material. Minimal effort, temporary result.
Digging out the area of distress (square or rectangle), applying tack, fill and compact with cold mix or hot mix.
These recommendations are presented in the context of local agency networks with lower volume roadways. Final treatment selection should also consider traffic level, construction history, and additional factors.
Patch Deterioration - Moderate Distress
Filling potholes with hot mix, cold mix, or injection patch material. Minimal effort, temporary result.
Digging out the area of distress (square or rectangle), applying tack, fill and compact with cold mix or hot mix.
These recommendations are presented in the context of local agency networks with lower volume roadways. Final treatment selection should also consider traffic level, construction history, and additional factors.
Patch Deterioration - Severe Distress
Filling potholes with hot mix, cold mix, or injection patch material. Minimal effort, temporary result.
Digging out the area of distress (square or rectangle), applying tack, fill and compact with cold mix or hot mix.
1 to 2 inches of hot mix asphalt overlay.
Existing bituminous pavement is milled and/or pulverized, then mixed with emulsion and aggregate (optional) and compacted.
Existing bituminous pavement is heated, milled, mixed with new asphalt binder or mix, and replaced on the surface with a paver.
Existing pavement (and perhaps base) is pulverized and mixed with a stabilizer (cement or emulsion), then compacted to serve as a base for future pavement layers.
Existing pavement is removed and replaced with all new materials.
These recommendations are presented in the context of local agency networks with lower volume roadways. Final treatment selection should also consider traffic level, construction history, and additional factors.
Patch Deterioration - Severe Distress
Filling potholes with hot mix, cold mix, or injection patch material. Minimal effort, temporary result.
Digging out the area of distress (square or rectangle), applying tack, fill and compact with cold mix or hot mix.
1 to 2 inches of hot mix asphalt overlay.
Existing bituminous pavement is milled and/or pulverized, then mixed with emulsion and aggregate (optional) and compacted.
Existing bituminous pavement is heated, milled, mixed with new asphalt binder or mix, and replaced on the surface with a paver.
Existing pavement (and perhaps base) is pulverized and mixed with a stabilizer (cement or emulsion), then compacted to serve as a base for future pavement layers.
Existing pavement is removed and replaced with all new materials.
These recommendations are presented in the context of local agency networks with lower volume roadways. Final treatment selection should also consider traffic level, construction history, and additional factors.
Cause: Unstable mixture, excessive binder content, low air voids, rounded aggregates/natural sand, excessive traffic.

STEP 2: Severity Level
Low severity distress of any type, including rutting less than 1/4", pumping not evident.

Moderate distress of any type, including rutting of 1/4" to 1/2", pumping not evident.
High severity distress of any type, including rutting > 1/2", pumping may be evident.
Shoving - Mild Distress
Digging out the area of distress (square or rectangle), applying tack, fill and compact with cold mix or hot mix.
Milling the surface to correct deficiencies, minimize the effects of rutting, or as preparation for an overlay
These recommendations are presented in the context of local agency networks with lower volume roadways. Final treatment selection should also consider traffic level, construction history, and additional factors.
Shoving - Moderate Distress
Digging out the area of distress (square or rectangle), applying tack, fill and compact with cold mix or hot mix.
Milling the surface to correct deficiencies, minimize the effects of rutting, or as preparation for an overlay
These recommendations are presented in the context of local agency networks with lower volume roadways. Final treatment selection should also consider traffic level, construction history, and additional factors.
Shoving - High Distress
Digging out the area of distress (square or rectangle), applying tack, fill and compact with cold mix or hot mix.
Milling the surface to correct deficiencies, minimize the effects of rutting, or as preparation for an overlay
1 to 2 inches of hot mix asphalt overlay.
These recommendations are presented in the context of local agency networks with lower volume roadways. Final treatment selection should also consider traffic level, construction history, and additional factors.
Cause: Excessive binder content of the mix, excessive tack beneath the pavement layer, excessive compaction.

STEP 2: Severity Level


Bleeding/Flushing - Mild Distress
An emulsion spray application and then a layer of aggregate, embedded in the binder.
A mixture of emulsion, dense graded aggregate, and mineral filler spread onto the pavement surface.
A spray of emulsion on the surface, then a layer of fine aggregate. Similar to chip seal, but with different aggregate.
A spray of emulsion on the surface, then a layer of fine aggregate. Similar to chip seal, but with different aggregate.
A gap-graded hot mix placed on a thick modified binder membrane using special equipment. 1/2" to 1" in thickness.
An application similar to a slurry seal, but uses polymer modified emulsion. Can be placed in multiple layers, or used for leveling.
A HMA overlay of 1" or less with a NMAS of 1/4" (4.75mm).
A HMA overlay of 1" or less with a NMAS of 1/4" (4.75mm).
These recommendations are presented in the context of local agency networks with lower volume roadways. Final treatment selection should also consider traffic level, construction history, and additional factors.
Bleeding/Flushing - Moderate Distress
An emulsion spray application and then a layer of aggregate, embedded in the binder.
A mixture of emulsion, dense graded aggregate, and mineral filler spread onto the pavement surface.
A spray of emulsion on the surface, then a layer of fine aggregate. Similar to chip seal, but with different aggregate.
A spray of emulsion on the surface, then a layer of fine aggregate. Similar to chip seal, but with different aggregate.
A gap-graded hot mix placed on a thick modified binder membrane using special equipment. 1/2" to 1" in thickness.
An application similar to a slurry seal, but uses polymer modified emulsion. Can be placed in multiple layers, or used for leveling.
A HMA overlay of 1" or less with a NMAS of 1/4" (4.75mm).
A HMA overlay of 1" or less with a NMAS of 1/4" (4.75mm).
The process of milling and removing existing pavement to restore cross-section or remove rutting.
These recommendations are presented in the context of local agency networks with lower volume roadways. Final treatment selection should also consider traffic level, construction history, and additional factors.
Bleeding/Flushing - High Distress
An emulsion spray application and then a layer of aggregate, embedded in the binder.
A mixture of emulsion, dense graded aggregate, and mineral filler spread onto the pavement surface.
A spray of emulsion on the surface, then a layer of fine aggregate. Similar to chip seal, but with different aggregate.
A spray of emulsion on the surface, then a layer of fine aggregate. Similar to chip seal, but with different aggregate.
A layer of large aggregate, then a spray of emulsion, then a layer of smaller aggregate.
The process of milling and removing existing pavement to restore cross-section or remove rutting.
These recommendations are presented in the context of local agency networks with lower volume roadways. Final treatment selection should also consider traffic level, construction history, and additional factors.
Cause: Soft aggregates unable to withstand the effects of traffic, or smooth aggregate types.

STEP 2: Severity Level

Polished Aggregate - Mild Distress
Milling the surface to correct deficiencies, minimize the effects of rutting, or as preparation for an overlay.
An emulsion spray application and then a layer of aggregate, embedded in the binder.
A mixture of emulsion, dense graded aggregate, and mineral filler spread onto the pavement surface.
A spray of emulsion on the surface, then a layer of fine aggregate. Similar to chip seal, but with different aggregate.
A gap-graded hot mix placed on a thick modified binder membrane using special equipment. 1/2" to 1" in thickness.
An application similar to a slurry seal, but uses polymer modified emulsion. Can be placed in multiple layers, or used for leveling.
A HMA overlay of 1" or less with a NMAS of 1/4" (4.75mm).
The process of milling and removing existing pavement to restore cross-section or remove rutting.
These recommendations are presented in the context of local agency networks with lower volume roadways. Final treatment selection should also consider traffic level, construction history, and additional factors.
Polished Aggregate - Moderate Distress
Milling the surface to correct deficiencies, minimize the effects of rutting, or as preparation for an overlay.
An emulsion spray application and then a layer of aggregate, embedded in the binder.
A mixture of emulsion, dense graded aggregate, and mineral filler spread onto the pavement surface.
A spray of emulsion on the surface, then a layer of fine aggregate. Similar to chip seal, but with different aggregate.
A gap-graded hot mix placed on a thick modified binder membrane using special equipment. 1/2" to 1" in thickness.
An application similar to a slurry seal, but uses polymer modified emulsion. Can be placed in multiple layers, or used for leveling.
A HMA overlay of 1" or less with a NMAS of 1/4" (4.75mm).
The process of milling and removing existing pavement to restore cross-section or remove rutting.
These recommendations are presented in the context of local agency networks with lower volume roadways. Final treatment selection should also consider traffic level, construction history, and additional factors.
Polished Aggregate - High Distress
Milling the surface to correct deficiencies, minimize the effects of rutting, or as preparation for an overlay.
An emulsion spray application and then a layer of aggregate, embedded in the binder.
A mixture of emulsion, dense graded aggregate, and mineral filler spread onto the pavement surface.
A spray of emulsion on the surface, then a layer of fine aggregate. Similar to chip seal, but with different aggregate.
A gap-graded hot mix placed on a thick modified binder membrane using special equipment. 1/2" to 1" in thickness.
An application similar to a slurry seal, but uses polymer modified emulsion. Can be placed in multiple layers, or used for leveling.
A HMA overlay of 1" or less with a NMAS of 1/4" (4.75mm).
The process of milling and removing existing pavement to restore cross-section or remove rutting.
These recommendations are presented in the context of local agency networks with lower volume roadways. Final treatment selection should also consider traffic level, construction history, and additional factors.
Cause: Oxidation or aging of asphalt binder, presence of water or freeze/thaw conditions.
STEP 2: Severity Level

Raveling - Mild Distress
A light spray of dilute emulsion to seal small cracks, prevent raveling, and retard aging/oxidation.
A fog seal with rejuvenator to prevent aging of the surface.
A fog seal with additives for purposes such as reducing tracking or creating a blacker appearance for pavement marking visibility.
An emulsion spray application and then a layer of aggregate, embedded in the binder.
A mixture of emulsion, dense graded aggregate, and mineral filler spread onto the pavement surface.
A spray of emulsion on the surface, then a layer of fine aggregate. Similar to chip seal, but with different aggregate.
An application similar to a slurry seal, but uses polymer modified emulsion. Can be placed in multiple layers, or used for leveling.
A HMA overlay of 1" or less with a NMAS of 1/4" (4.75mm).
These recommendations are presented in the context of local agency networks with lower volume roadways. Final treatment selection should also consider traffic level, construction history, and additional factors.
Raveling - Moderate Distress
A light spray of dilute emulsion to seal small cracks, prevent raveling, and retard aging/oxidation.
A fog seal with rejuvenator to prevent aging of the surface.
A fog seal with additives for purposes such as reducing tracking or creating a blacker appearance for pavement marking visibility.
An emulsion spray application and then a layer of aggregate, embedded in the binder.
A mixture of emulsion, dense graded aggregate, and mineral filler spread onto the pavement surface.
A spray of emulsion on the surface, then a layer of fine aggregate. Similar to chip seal, but with different aggregate.
An application similar to a slurry seal, but uses polymer modified emulsion. Can be placed in multiple layers, or used for leveling.
The process of milling and removing existing pavement to restore cross-section or remove rutting.
1 to 2 inches of hot mix asphalt overlay.
These recommendations are presented in the context of local agency networks with lower volume roadways. Final treatment selection should also consider traffic level, construction history, and additional factors.
Raveling - High Distress
Filling potholes with hot mix, cold mix, or injection patch material. Minimal effort, temporary result.
An emulsion spray application and then a layer of aggregate, embedded in the binder.
A mixture of emulsion, dense graded aggregate, and mineral filler spread onto the pavement surface.
A spray of emulsion on the surface, then a layer of fine aggregate. Similar to chip seal, but with different aggregate.
The process of milling and removing existing pavement to restore cross-section or remove rutting.
1 to 2 inches of hot mix asphalt overlay.
These recommendations are presented in the context of local agency networks with lower volume roadways. Final treatment selection should also consider traffic level, construction history, and additional factors.
Cause: Settling, searing, or washing of shoulder material.
STEP 2: Severity Level

Lane/Shoulder Drop-off - Mild Distress
Filling potholes with hot mix, cold mix, or injection patch material. Minimal effort, temporary result.
Digging out the area of distress (square or rectangle), applying tack, fill and compact with cold mix or hot mix.
These recommendations are presented in the context of local agency networks with lower volume roadways. Final treatment selection should also consider traffic level, construction history, and additional factors.
Lane/Shoulder Drop-off - Moderate Distress
Filling potholes with hot mix, cold mix, or injection patch material. Minimal effort, temporary result.
Digging out the area of distress (square or rectangle), applying tack, fill and compact with cold mix or hot mix.
These recommendations are presented in the context of local agency networks with lower volume roadways. Final treatment selection should also consider traffic level, construction history, and additional factors.
Lane/Shoulder Drop-off - High Distress
Filling potholes with hot mix, cold mix, or injection patch material. Minimal effort, temporary result.
Digging out the area of distress (square or rectangle), applying tack, fill and compact with cold mix or hot mix.
These recommendations are presented in the context of local agency networks with lower volume roadways. Final treatment selection should also consider traffic level, construction history, and additional factors.
Cause: Drainage problems, water source beneath or within the pavement, utility leaks, cracks, low density areas allowing water penetration.
STEP 2: Severity Level
Water Bleeding/Pumping - Mild Distress
Filling working cracks, 3/8" or more.
Digging out the area of distress (square or rectangle), applying tack, fill and compact with cold mix or hot mix.
These recommendations are presented in the context of local agency networks with lower volume roadways. Final treatment selection should also consider traffic level, construction history, and additional factors.
Water Bleeding/Pumping - Moderate Distress
Filling working cracks, 3/8" or more.
Digging out the area of distress (square or rectangle), applying tack, fill and compact with cold mix or hot mix.
These recommendations are presented in the context of local agency networks with lower volume roadways. Final treatment selection should also consider traffic level, construction history, and additional factors.
Water Bleeding/Pumping - High Distress
Digging out the area of distress (square or rectangle), applying tack, fill and compact with cold mix or hot mix.
Existing pavement is removed and replaced with all new materials.
These recommendations are presented in the context of local agency networks with lower volume roadways. Final treatment selection should also consider traffic level, construction history, and additional factors.