Guide for Traffic Signs, Markings, and Signals
Updates to the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD)
Make sure your agency is up to date on the latest MUTCD requirements! The Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) is the national standard governing all traffic control devices, and it plays a critical role in improving the safety and mobility of road users. It is important for local agencies to be informed regarding current issues, and to be aware of updates to the requirements. Conforming to these regulations can also improve chances for local agencies to secure federal funding for projects, and reduce the risk of liability. Learn about the updates to the MUTCD so that your agency will be in compliance.
WHO SHOULD ATTEND? Decision makers, engineers, elected officials, road foremen, street superintendents, and field crew supervisors
WHAT TO BRING: Please bring a laptop with the entire MUTCD downloaded into a single folder. Click the link to DOWNLOAD THE MUTCD. Alternatively, you may bring a hardcopy of the MUTCD book. A limited number of books will be available to borrow for use during the class.
The pilot offering of this course was recently completed and two courses are now available in January 2017.
No fee. PDHs available for Professional Engineers.
Guide for Traffic Signs, Markings, and Signals - January 05, 2017 - Waitlist
January 5, 2017, 12:30 pm to 4:30 pm.
At the ARDOT Materials Building Training Room, 11301 W. Baseline, Little Rock, AR