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Training for the Arkansas Unpaved Roads Grant Program is mandatory for at least one county representative or county roads personnel. Counties are not eligible to apply until this training is completed. For more information on the Arkansas Unpaved Roads Grant Program, grant application, and training schedule/registration, click here.
Properly maintaining pavements can be a daunting task for any agency. Employing a pavement management system can help to maximize the efficiency of maintenance dollars, and improve the overall health of your roadway network in just a few short years. Find more information at the following links:
In January 2015, CTTP presented a webinar on Safety Countermeasures. Topics presented include rumble strips, enhanced delineation, high friction surface treatments, safety edge, roundabouts, and pedestrian crossings.
Targeting aging infrastructure and minimal traffic interruption, accelerated bridge construction is one of the latest advances in transportation efficiency.
Accelerated Bridge Construction (ABC) includes many innovative technologies to speed bridge construction projects. Given the right set of circumstances, utilizing techniques such as Prefabricated Bridge Elements and Systems (PBES), Geosynthetic Reinforced Soil Integrated Bridge System (GRS-IBS)
Check out the following links for a better understanding of the benefits of ABC:
3D modeling technology creates a digital jobsite and allows construction teams virtual opportunities such as transfer of GPS data, simulations, and automated machine guidance.
As construction processes become more automated, it is important for local agencies to understand the three-dimensional (3D) modeling tools available for construction projects. 3D modeling encompasses a variety of topics, and can be implemented in all phases of a project, including planning, design, surveying, and construction. 3D modeling is also helpful for establishing 'as-built' construction drawings, which is beneficial for documentation, maintenance, and future expansion plans.
As the number one priority to any project, safety is continuously being integrated into every aspect of transportation. Learn more about the latest techniques to improve roadway safety.